You'll be fighting the infected in the dark, in the daylight, on the tracks of a roller coaster, in high places, and in low places. Left 4 Dead 2 has five campaigns, each with its own distinct setting and challenges. We present to you, in no particular order, the reasons you should buy Left 4 Dead 2. Instead of describing the game and giving you the good and the bad, it's time to just put the cards down: this is a great game that's worth your time and money. Some of you may still be on the fence about plopping down your money for the game. Some may still have hard feelings about how quickly the game was released after the first game- which is out of character for Valve. Left 4 Dead 2 is available now, and many of you have most likely already purchased the game. and we beg your indulgence for this exercise. Today, we're going to deviate from our standard review format for just a bit.